"Buyers have read a lot about foreclosures, short sales and how desperate sellers are," says Sarah Ritter, an associate with RE/MAX Properties in Western Springs, Ill. "They feel there is this fabulous deal out there, a mansion with all the bells and whistles. …They are convinced the next house they look at will be a better deal, and with so much inventory now on the market, they keep looking and looking."
Here are a few ways to stay focused and on track while searching for your new home:
· Line up financing. Find out what qualify for so you don't end up looking at houses you can't afford.
· Decide what you want. Make a list of the most important features and then refine your search.
· Use technology. Get organized by previewing as many properties as possible via the Internet & http://www.parkersutahproperties.com/.
· All real estate is local. Remember that those news reports you are hearing of falling prices are often in places other than where you are looking.
· Make an offer. Even a low offer is a starting point. The worst that can happen is that the sellers will refuse to negotiate.
Source: United Feature Syndicate, Lew Sichelman & Parker Smith (12/19/2010)
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