I have just recently negotiated $200,000+ off the Purchase price for 2 of my High End Clients...
Some of the best housing deals are on high-end homes, many over $1 million. Some of them need TLC or they aren’t in the most-coveted locations. But there are plenty of desirable properties and lots of sellers who are getting impatient.
Buyers with cash have the best opportunities. Buyers who need a mortgage should move especially quickly. With the Federal Reserve ending its purchases of mortgage securities this month, the mortgage market is likely to rise from its current low level. Even if prices fall further, the rising cost of borrowing could eliminate any savings.
As Kenneth Rosen, chairman of the Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics at the University of California, says, this is a "very good time to be a buyer at the high end."
Source: The Wall Street Journal, Nick Timiraos and James R. Hagerty (03/27/2010)
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