Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Arnold Family...

The Arnold Family...

I had knocked on the front door of the Arnolds home late last year, they had been selling their home on their own for quite some time and were of course skeptical as too whether or not a Realtor could actually provide results!

I am not much of a sales man, so in my own way I introduced myself, told them I could help if they were ready and left them with some literature to study and think about.

About a week later I followed up with and was interviewed by Mr. Arnold. After a foray of interesting questions and answers, the Arnolds invited me to visit with them at their house. I remember meeting them at about 9:00pm, they were so open, friendly and excited to meet with me, opening their home, their Hopes for the future and their expectations of me to sell their home in the fastest amount of time for the highest amount possible.

Throughout the listing process the Arnolds became increasingly excited to sell their home, always making sure it looked immaculate and was ready to show at a moments notice. when the offer came they consistently impressed me with how analytical they were. And how gracious they were in listening to my advice on negotiations, but more important than that is the look of excitement on their faces when I showed them their new house (Like little kids discovering santa had delivered gifts and not coal).

Working with the Arnolds was such a rewarding experience, reminding me how important my role can be in helping people realize dreams. I could have been anything I wanted, a Lawyer, a service man, I could have continued to Pursue Skateboarding, became a Chef, but I chose to be a Realtor! And every time I see that look of excitement of fulfilled dreams on a clients face like I did with the Arnolds, I know I made the right choice, and this is why I love my Job!

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